easyWSDL Generator plugin

This is an extension for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDE which allows you to generate classes for your Web Service directly from your IDE. It simplify entire operation a lot.

Official URL

Main features:

  1. Generating java classes without leaving IDE
  2. Supports remote and local WSDL addresses. You can use http://mywebservice.com/service?wsdl or c:\myproject\service.wsdl path
  3. Works with localhost paths. If you are in the middle of developing your web service and it is hosted on your machine then there was no easy way to generate classes in this situation. Problem is that easyWSDL web site cannot reach wsdl file hosted on you local machine. But now, using easyWSDL Generator plugin you can easy use your localhost wsdl address and generate classes for it
  4. Automatically adds references to required libraries (jar) used by generated classes
  5. Supports many web service proxies in one Android application project

How to use easyWSDL Generator plugin

Based on IntelliJ IDE but for Android Studio steps are simillar

  1. First you should install it from official plugins reposidory. Click here to read more about installing plugins.
  2. Open you Android app project in IntelliJ/Android Studio.
  3. Now you should create a new package for generated classes in Project view. You can of course generate classes into existing packages if you want
  4. Right click on the package where you want to put generated classes and choose easyWSDL-Add web service option from the context menu.
    easyWSDL context menu
  5. If you do this for the first time you need to login using your easyWSDL credentials.
    Login to easyWSDL Generator
  6. After this you should see easyWSDL Generator dialog. Put your wsdl url there and change more options if needed.
    easyWSDL Generator settings dialog


    You can use remote URL (like http://myserver.com/service.svc?wsdl), local path (c:\myservice\service.wsdl) and local URL (like http://localhost/service.svc?wsdl)
  7. Press OK to generate classes.

You can also update existing classes (for example when new version of easyWSDL generator has been released) by right click on the package where you have your generated classes and click easyWSDL-Update web service from context menu


You cannot generate proxies for more than one web service in one package. Each web service proxy has to be generated into separate package!